Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitor
Qualification Study Opportunities
Study RBS
Visitation Program Manual COMDTINST
M16796.3C by
downloadingor order from the FSO-MA.
Familiarize with forms
and materials below
PV Staff is also available to assist
Program Visitor Exam
and Qualification
Instructor may proctor
an exam ordered through the FSO-MA, OR
2 Program Visits mentored by a qualified visitor
Submit D11NR Form MT-2 to
report qualification to FC for forwarding to
(attach exam answer sheet and ANSC 7046 - retain copies)
- Within 5 years, a re-qualifying
examiner needs to perform 2 visit with a qualified visitor who
receives the credit. A separate 7046 is to be completed and the
MT-2 form is then signed by the mentor and FC. Form then can be
mailed to the DIRAUX office. In addition, 4 Program Visits MUST
be performed prior to the end of the calendar year.
- After 5 years, retake the test
and perform 2 visit with a qualified mentor who receives the
Annual Currency is
maintained by completing 4 Program Visits yearly
The PV
Workshop for 2009 is not mandatory but encouraged for
understanding of the current Program Visitor information.
Download or order through the
